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CoronaCommunities Project

A few weeks ago I shared with you that I'd dived into a new initiative called the CoronaCommunities Project. After many iterations, the project is now up and running. This short video shares the philosophy behind the project and what it has set out to achieve.

As I say in the video, I think that now is the time for leaders to ask ourselves "Am I a leader by name, or a leader by nature"? As more of us find ourselves at home and the line between work and community, therefore, becomes blurred, this question is particularly relevant. I've posted a link to the webpage in the comments below. Thanks for checking out the video and for all the support everyone has given over the last few weeks. PS/ If you know someone who runs an online community, please share so they can put their community on the map. #coronacommunities #positiveproblemsolving #leadership #getunstuck #COVID19 #curlyandcurious #whatinspiresme #momentum #productivity #creativity


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