As many organisations grow, they 'devolve' their Adaptive Intelligence. With it goes the drive, language, self-awareness, insight and leadership alignment needed to build an organisation that is 'fit' for a world of relentless change.
This is the first in a series of 'actionable articles' I'll be sharing over the coming weeks to celebrate the launch of my book 'The Thrive Cycle: Unlock The Adaptive Organisation Within'.
In this article, published in Business Today (click here), I share the real reason organisations find it so hard to build adaptive capability. Take the 2 minute Adaptive Intelligence Test, assess your organisation and discover five actions that will improve it.
If you find the Adaptive Intelligence of your organisation is low, The Thrive Cycle: Unlock The Adaptive Organisation Within will enable you to bring it back. Crystallising 20 years experience adapting large organisations to strategically-critical change, the book sets out to empower leaders in three ways. It:
enables them to re-build the Adaptive Intelligence of their organisations.
shows step-by-step how to create the organisational capability needed to achieve adaptive advantage.
shares the practical knowledge needed to embrace the change and confidently lead the journey towards a more adaptive organisation.
* NOTE: If the content of this article has resonated with you, or you know someone who would gain value from it, please 'share'.